Aspiration bags are designed to securely contain and dispose of aspirated fluids while maintaining a sterile and hygienic environment. They are particularly useful in hospital settings, offering infection control by preventing contact with contaminants and ease of use for medical staff. The closed system reduces odor and prevents splashing or spilling, making it an efficient solution for controlled medical waste disposal. Ideal for vacuum-assisted aspiration in operating rooms, these bags are also equipped with features that facilitate easy mounting and replacement.
- Patient Safety: No direct contact with the patient.
- Material: Durable plastic bag and cap system.
- Capacity Options: 1500 ml, 2000 ml, and 3000 ml.
- Design: Flexible bag with a flat base.
- Anti-Reflux Valve: Prevents backflow in vacuum suction tip.
- Port Closure System: Securely closes all ports after use.
- Patient Hose: 1.8 m hose for patient suction.
- Connectors: Includes two connectors and a finger-controlled Kapkon (Pine) connector.
- Wide Port: Allows for collection of bone and tissue during procedures like arthroscopy or endoscopy.
Additional Supplies:
- Gelling Agent: Solidifies liquids in the bag.
- Defoamer: Reduces foam formation.
- Disinfectant: Disinfects liquid within the bag (optional additives).
Product Options:
- Aspiration Bag 1500 ml (Code: 160 202)
- Aspiration Bag 2000 ml (Code: 160 203)
- Aspiration Bag 3000 ml (Code: 160 201)